
Hi! Welcome to Innovo Health, an idea born from a desire to provide a space in which others can achieve and maintain wellness in body, mind, and spirit. The founder, Carrie Wibright, is a graduate of William Carey College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. She has been a registered nurse for over 20 years. Working the early portion of her career in Intensive Care; with the last several years working with brain restoration and intravenous nutritional therapies. Recent years have provided Carrie opportunities to merge her passions of caring for others, thinking outside the box, meeting people where they are, sharing her faith, all while guiding them on their journey of seeking true health and wellness. More recently Carrie embarked on a quest to further her knowledge base. She is a Certified Alternative Health Practitioner and is currently working toward her Doctorate of Naturopathy. Again, welcome to Innovo Health.


It's not by chance she arrived here and created this space of renewal called Innovo Health. Her journey of wellness was born out of necessity after a scare with her youngest son, Cole, in 2008. She started digging deep, asking questions, and seeking truth, health, and wellness. This journey ended in many dead ends. Until she started looking outside the box. Fastforward to 2023 and Innovo Health is here to empower, equip, and encourage you in achieving optimal wellness. It is the leading space for renewing the body, mind, and spirit. She looks forward to helping YOU on your journal to renewed health and wellness!